
Reframing the International. On new ways of working internationally in the arts.
In this pocket publication Flanders Arts Institute examines new ways of working internationally in the arts. Joris Janssens collects insights and light bulb moments from the research & development programme (Re)framing the International.

On Transnationalisms — The Virtuality of Borders
In 2018, Drugo more, an NGO from Rijeka, Croatia whose president is Davor Mišković, one of the RESHAPE advisors, organized a festival and exhibition dedicated to the topic of transnationalism – a social phenomenon which arises from the heightened interconnectivity between people and the receding economic and social significance of boundaries among nation states.

The first RESHAPE workshop will discuss transnational/postnational artistic practices
The notion of transnationality/postnationality offers a tempting perspective. It inspires to change the mindset for a while; to get rid of currently dominating patterns of thinking and operating, that most often represent the dominant structure of national states. However promising it may sound, to most of art workers it would be a misleading fantasy: for the actual political map does influence our professional and private lives on the every day basis, shaping our ways of thinking and enabling or interrupting relations.

Osmotic Knowledge(s)
During the session, we talked about knowledge and especially the sort of knowledge which is not necessarily coming from the institutions (universities, academies, ..). We were talking about how much we are able to learn from each other, from particular experiences, but also how much we tend to forget the need for knowledge that we receive besides the official, canonized streams of education.
I Am Multitudes
In July 2019, something snapped in the Kenyan performance artist Ogutu Muraya, who was living in Amsterdam at the time. He decided to stop applying for European visas and return to Nairobi. His decision was motivated by a desire to ‘go beyond Europe’, to free his imagination, to transcend internal limits rather than merely trying to cross physical borders. In this text, he tells us how he intends to continue his artistic practice and maintain his presence – but strictly on his own terms.

Making Our Own Monsters with Alica Minar & Col.
Together we imagined ourselves as Monsters, as entities going beyond the normativity, finding our own ways based on shared values, joy and dreams. Later it led us to understand collective work as mycelium, where the individual becomes many and vice versa while trying to listen to the intuition as a hypha.

Transnational/Postnational Artistic Pravtices Workshop in Istanbul: A Graphic Novel
Last week of January. It's time for our second session with the group. This time the destination is Istanbul. What a joy and excitement to visit Istanbul after 9 years. A lot has changed since my last visit to this megalopolis...

Translocality: artistic internationalisation after the corona crisis
DutchCulture asked researcher Errol Boon to respond to DutchCulture’s colloquium on translocality in the arts, reflecting on the upcomming challenges of international cultural collaboration after the coronacrisis. His response is valuable for RESHAPE, especially trajectory "Transnational/Postnational artistic practices"

ONDA & Flanders Arts Institute @ RIDA: 'Reimagining the artistic world - on transnational/postnational practices"
The testing of another prototype, developed in the frame of Transnational/Postnational Artistic Practices Trajectory took place on May the 21 at the RIDA - International Programming Meeting of the RESHAPE lead partner, ONDA.

Trigger Festival: Reshape Presentation and a Tarot Reading Session
The dissemination of prototypes has continued to the partners’ countries. In the last few days, the representatives and Reshapers visited Ljubljana, where they talked about the project and organized a group tarot reading session. Around 30 people participated in the program on May 31st, and on the following day facilitators organized another, individual tarot reading.

On Mobility, Rituals, and Senses – Post- and Transnational Explorations — An interview with Marta Keil
Marta Keil is a performing arts curator and researcher who co-runs the Performing Arts Institute in Warsaw, Poland. She has collaborated as a curator and dramaturge with a number of artists and works on a regular basis in a curatorial tandem with Grzegorz Reske (ResKeil). She is also the editor of several publications on performance and politics. She has been the facilitator of the Transnational/Postnational Artistic Practices trajectory in RESHAPE, which engaged with questions of imagining an artworld ‘after the national’, starting from the broader notion of the political map and how it affects cultural practices. In this interview, she spoke to us from Warsaw, about some of the processes and outputs of her trajectory within RESHAPE.

Collectively shaped reading
The proposal for the reading session was to think about collaborations, and ask ourselves: what do they actually mean for us? The idea to approach this frame was to take a step back, to de-construct the role of facilitator and make the session a collectively shaped reading.

For this occasion, I created a new reading pattern, called after the residency format, OutsideInInsideOut. Through 4 cards we are observing and exploring “what benefits/practices/thoughts we can take from this experience (of being in the residency) to design our own systems/constellations/relationships” - in other words how to abstract obtained experience/knowledge/emotion and transform them in our future processes.

Transnational/Postnational Artistic Practices: Imaginary Marseille
The last week of April was supposed to be the time for a meeting of the trajectory Transnational/Postnational Artistic Practices in Marseille, but the lockdown that is in power in many countries due to the Corona virus outbreak conditioned us to deeply reshape our project that is largely based on travelling and physical meetings.