Transnational/Postnational Artistic Practices: Imaginary Marseille
The last week of April was supposed to be the time for a meeting of the trajectory Transnational/Postnational Artistic Practices in Marseille, but the lockdown that is in power in many countries due to the Corona virus outbreak conditioned us to deeply reshape our project that is largely based on travelling and physical meetings.
This situation is particularly interesting for this trajectory that is dealing with mobility, hosting, rooting... Therefore, Marseille had to be moved into a virtual realm, but Reshapers continued to deal with topics they opened and discussed during their first two workshops.
In the following days (27th-29th April) the group will discuss the notions of institution, society, practice and transnational; rituals and practices of rooting, rituals and practices of hosting; trying to redefine the postnational/transnational in the current Covid crisis.