IntensiveCANCELLED: Reshape Intensive Zagreb


Cancelled // Clubture Network: Cultural Decentralisation Through Collaboration

Clubture Network is a non-profit, inclusive, participatory network of organizations working on strengthening the independent cultural sector through program networking, raising public visibility, encouraging organizational development of the sector and strengthening its influence on the institutional framework in which it operates. Their membership comprises over 50 organizations (non governmental, artistic organizations and non-formal initiatives) active in areas of cultural and artistic expression.

The network operates as a collaborative platform through which independent cultural organisations directly implement mutual projects: cultural and artistic public events in different cities in Croatia, gathering different local audiences, mostly young people and those living in smaller communities, often socially and culturally deprived. Main programme of the network “Clubture-Hr: Programme exchange and cooperation”, around which the platform was established has been continuously realized since 2002. In period 2002-2019 over 250 independent cultural organisations collaborated in production of over 200 mutual projects that took place in over 100 cities and towns in Croatia. More than 80% of all events throughout the years have been organised outside the capital of Zagreb, thus the program continuously gives a significant contribution to the decentralization of cultural production and the democratization of culture in Croatia.

Throughout years, in addition to the program exchange and collaboration Clubture has conducted a number of different activities aimed at strengthening capacities and recognition of the independent cultural scene, primarily in Croatia, but also in the Region of SEE. Clubture Network is also engaged in advocacy and monitoring policy developments in culture, and other relevant areas such as civil society development and preservation of public goods.


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