
Brussels. In search of territories of new-urban creation. — by Chris Keulemans
This text is a report of a month in Brussels. No more, no less. The report of a month spent walking, talking and observing. At the invitation of Flanders Arts Institute and in particular of Sofie Joye, in charge of Diversity, Urbanity and Emerging Artists.

Remote Kiev: Solidarity Funding
The Solidarity Economies trajectory will continue shaping their rough ideas on what prototypes they want to work on. With help of the external facilitator, Konrad Gadzina, the group will focus on developing the manifesto that will underpin the principles for all other 5 prototypes ideas.

Rounding up prototypes and getting ready to implement our innovative ideas
After 15 workshops where Reshapers, Facilitators and Partners were discussing the possibilities for reshaping the art field, the time came to step back a bit and to formulate those discussions into more elaborate reshaping prototypes that can be used across the sector.