Rounding up prototypes and getting ready to implement our innovative ideas
At the moment, Reshapers and Facilitators are dedicatedly working on formulating realistic, concrete and sustainable proposals for reshaping the arts and cultural field. Following 5 main trajectories in Reshape, those proposals will closely tackle topics of art and citizenship, fair governance models, value of art in social fabric, solidarity funding and trans/postnational artistic practices. Those prototypes will be presented online and in the printed publication towards the end of December 2020.
At the same time, Reshape team and partners are working on the above mentioned publication and composing materials that will not only sum up the innovative process implemented through the work done in Reshape, but also offer a theoretical and critical framework to contextualize Reshapers prototypes. The next step in the project will be an advocacy to implement proposed changes in the art and culture sector - in national policies, as well as in organisational and individual practices of professionals in the field.
Although the process of rounding up and presenting our suggestions for reshaping the arts field is in many ways uncertain and surprising, we’re very excited to see where it will bring us!