IntensiveReshape Intensive Cluj

Reshape Intensive Cluj

14:00 to 14:45
Welcome and introductory session
Cinema ARTA, str. Universității nr. 3

Rariţa Zbranca, Milica Ilić and Marijana Rimanić will give an intro to the Reshape Intensive Cluj, update on the development of the project and next steps.

15:00 to 18:30
Intersected Trajectories: Updates and feedback on trajectory work
Cinema ARTA, str. Universității nr. 3

Reshapers & Facilitators share the outcomes of the workshops they were part of. The session will be moderated by Joris Janssens.

10:00 to 12:00
Performing the under-performed. Performing arts spaces in Romania Cinema ARTA, str. Universității 3

A brief radiography of the performing arts scene in Romania, with a focus on the independent art scene.

10:00 to 12:00
State of the Arts? Working in the cultural sector in Romania Casa TIFF, str. Universității 6

A conversation about the socio-economic conditions of cultural work and the policies and support structures for culture in Romania.

14:00 to 16:00
Igor Štiks: Activist aesthetics Casa TIFF, str. Universității 6

Igor Štiks will present cases of activist aesthetics in the artistic acts, practices and works related to contemporary political and social activism of progressive and left-wing movements and groups in the post-Yugoslav region.

14:00 to 16:00
Soraya Bahgat: Learning On The Go - on women's rights and activism Cinema ARTA, str. Universității 3

Soraya Bahgat will share her journey as an “accidental activist” and social entrepreneur. While working as Head of HR for a leading Egyptian real estate developer, she founded a volunteer movement to combat the pandemic mob sexual assaults that had plagued Tahrir Square during the 2011 revolution.

17:00 to 18:30
Oxana Timofeeva: Solidarity on the Planetary Scale Cinema ARTA, str. Universității 3

Rethinking the understanding of politics: it should not only be international, but interspecies, including all subjects and matters – animals, plants, mountains, people, sounds, viruses, AI, etc.

Keynote Lecture
10:00 to 13:00
Lala Panait: Art in public space: from temporary interventions to influencing decision making in the city

The tours Lala is organizing (Trăiește Orașul! Live the City!) were another form of understanding of our cities and society. At first it was a personal weekend getaway and then they became a weekly passion for researching and listening to the stories of the inhabitants.

Walking Tour
10:00 to 13:00
One ring to rule them all - political control and entrepreneurialism in culture

The declared ambition of the Cluj ECoC bid was “to engage the communities of the city in a common life-changing project, helping us to fulfil our potential to act as a community”. So how are we performing?

Walking Tour
10:00 to 13:00
Flaviu Petean: Toned Personal Histories

Toned Personal Histories, Flaviu's tour is crafted around the personal histories he has been collecting in these past few years around the streets of Cluj.

Walking Tour
10:00 to 13:00
Kelemen Kinga: Tour of Independent Performing Arts Venues

Along our tour we will meet organizations and companies at different stages of development, get a chance to meet the people behind the exciting programming and get a glimpse of what the challenges are of making engaging, innovative and socially meaningful theatre in Cluj.

Walking Tour
10:00 to 13:00
Helga Thies: Art Crawl - a tour of visual arts in Cluj

Discover the local contemporary art scene with a tailor-made guided tour of independent spaces.

Walking Tour
15:00 to 18:00
The DIY session // moderated by Davor Mišković Casino Urban Culture Center, Central Park

This session offers a simple and efficient framework to create your own meeting agenda. Propose and discuss issues that are relevant to you at this moment: the content, dynamics and conclusions are entirely up to you!

10:30 to 12:30
Đorđe Balmazović / Škart: Pits and falls of group work Casa Tranzit, str. George Barițiu 16

Đorđe will shortly present Škart activities: starting from the first decade, the 90's, and street actions, following 2000 – 2013 which were the years of forming new collectives, bigger than Škart itself, changing the focus from visual art to other disciplines.

10:30 to 12:30
Marcell Mars: Memory of the World / Public Library Casa Tranzit, str. George Barițiu 16

Memory of the World/Public Library is the synergy of two efforts. First, it makes the case for the institution of public library and its principle of universal access to knowledge. Second, it is an exploration and development of distributed internet infrastructure for amateur librarians.

10:30 to 12:30
Laura Roth: Feminisation of politics Casa Tranzit, str. George Barițiu 16

This talk will share some practical experiences of the municipalist movement in order to contribute to the discussion about how feminism can (and should) shape our work. How we do things is as important as what we are doing!

18:00 to 19:00
WhoreShop // Jean-Lorin Sterian Book Launch
Che Guevara Social Pub

10:00 to 13:00
Reshape Trajectory meetings
various locations, TBA

Internal work of the Reshapers

16:00 to 17:30
Wrap up and evaluation
Cinema ARTA, str. Universității 3

21:00 to
Reshape Party
Colectiva Gazette, Calea Turzii 18

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