Workshop 2: Fair governance models
The second workshop of the group Fair Governance Models will be held in Sofia from 4 to 6 December 2019 and will be organised by ACT Association.
This will be a chance to continue the discussion about governance in culture and artistic field that was open during the first workshop in Tangier. The specific focus will be on the topics that crystallized as important, interesting or challenging in previous discussions, such as fair remuneration for artists and governance of the (Im)possible. Special attention will be focused on the local cases, namely the case of Toplocentrala. The building of a former power station in Sofia is in the process of being reconstructed into a venue for the independent art and artists of Bulgaria. But the renovation of hardware requires an appropriate software to run it. The Reshape Fair Governance Models group will, together with Toplocentrala team, (re) think and reexamined some guidelines for the governance models of this future institution.