Onda — French office for contemporary performing arts circulation

Onda promotes the dissemination of contemporary performing arts in France, through information, expertise, networking, financial support and research. Funded by the French Ministry of Culture, Onda promotes the dissemination of performing arts works that are consistent with a process of contemporary artistic creation concerned with the renewal of forms. Its scope of intervention covers all disciplines, whether stemming from theatre, dance, music, circus, puppetry or art in public space, whether these works are created in France or abroad, and whether they are aimed at adults or childhood and youth. In order to carry out its missions, Onda fosters a wide network in France, Europe and abroad, organises meetings on artistic exchanges or specific issues, guides artistic teams in identifying opportunities, advises venue programmers on their artistic choices, financially supports the dissemination within France of performing arts works and conducts surveys and observations on issues related to artistic creation (production and dissemination).