Since 2013, LAPAS, a non-profit organization, has offered to gather art managers and producers working in companies, production offices or free-lance, in France and/or for France-based companies. LAPAS was created in order to analyze and find solutions to the problematics drawn by these jobs (solitude, recognition, underpaid jobs, multi-tasking…) in connection with the art sector.
The main goals are:
- to gather and share practices and experiences: giving voices to more than 100 persons
- to think together: questioning our organization and inventing new models
- to represent and value: highlighting our expertise and being part of the debates with the other actors from the performing art sector
Warned by the fact that there were few newcomers doing these jobs and that producers were leaving their position after 10/15 years, LAPAS thought important to react in order to break the solitude of the persons involved and create a collective intelligence by proposing meetings, workshops and conferences. And last but not least, one of our actions is also to question transmission and to bridge the gap between generations.
Regarding myself, I studied cultural institutions management at the Aix-Marseille University and have a master degree. I’ve been working as an executive producer for more than 15 years for French, Italian and Swiss performing art organisations. I’ve been living in Rome since 2008. Recently, I’ve started mentoring emerging Italian artists and young managers.
After 4 years of coordination at a national level, LAPAS now needs to enlarge its actions on a larger scale sharing a reflection with its European colleagues, arts managers, curators, cultural operators, artists, to think alternative practices and to empower its actors.